Five Ways to Welcome La Primavera

Milly Almodóvar, founder and editor of Beauty Logic Blog, is passionate about the latest beauty trends and tips from around the world. Here, she shares big and small ways to pamper yourself this spring.


Make Time for Yourself

“As a mom, wife and beauty editor, life is busy. But, on Sunday, no matter what, I take time for myself. Whether it's making my own hair mask with coconut oil and honey or watching a Lifetime movie, I make sure that I have those moments alone. They are important for the soul.”

Have Fun with Your Makeup

“A lot of women use the same makeup [in spring] that they use during the winter. Switch it up. You might want to invest in a darker foundation or newer creams. Or switch your dark lips to brighter ones. I'm all about neon oranges this season. They look amazing on warmer skin tones.”


“I have a girlfriend who is always so calm and collected. I asked for her secret, and she told me that she meditates every morning. At first I thought she was crazy. But I was so stressed out one day that I decided to try it. I went to a dark room, lit a candle and just did it. Now I'm hooked. I'm finding that life isn't so stressful.”

Find Time to Work Out

“A lot of women I know don't work out because they claim they don't have time or the money. To me, if you really want to work out, you will. I do most of my exercise at home. So when my son goes to sleep, I'll grab some weights and get a workout in. I've learned that working out will not only make you look good, but feel good.”

Make Time for Friends and Family

“I used to think I was too busy to see my family and friends. I was so focused on my career, but when I did find time to spend with them, I noticed that I was much happier afterwards. So now, I see them at least once a week. There are times where I have felt like nothing in the world was going right, or maybe I wasn't where I should be in my life. One visit to my family and friends, and I felt like I could do anything.”