Beauty and Style Tips for Latinas

Fabulosamente Latina delivers beauty and style tips and ideas for Latinas

Summer Outfits for the Office

Summer is the time to lighten, freshen and brighten up your work wardrobe. Depending on how strict your office dress code is, and how cool the temperature is, it can be difficult to dress comfortably and appropriately at work. Here are tips for summer work-wear:

Lighter fabrics: Regardless of your dress code, stock up on pieces made of lightweight, breathable fabrics like linen, cotton and silk to keep you cool all day long.

Dresses, dresses, dresses: Dresses are the ultimate flattering, professional look. Whether you’re in a shift or a shirtdress, it’s the perfect warm-weather look to dress up or dress down depending on the office environment.

Pack accessories: Wear lighter clothes to commute or travel in, and pack any accessories you may need to dress up your look. Bring a scarf or a blazer with you or keep a sweater at your desk if you’re battling frigid air conditioning. Statement jewelry is another way to dress up a lightweight summer look.

Sleeveless jackets: Inspired by classic menswear, sleeveless jackets are a breezy way to dress up a look for the office. Throw a sleeveless blazer over a flouncy dress to create a more sophisticated, feminine look.

Wear dress sandals: Did you know that keeping your pies cool can also help keep your whole body temperature down? Avoid shoes that may make your feet sweat and invest in comfortable dress sandals for the summer months.

No Gym Necessary: At Home Workouts

Before spending money on a gym membership, consider ejercicios that can be done from la casita. When combined with 30 minutes of cardio -- a short jog or a brisk walk -- three to four times per week, these moves will help to keep you healthy.

Legs: Squats are simple exercises that pack a lot of punch if they are done properly. This is because they engage every muscle in the legs. Place your hands behind your head or straight out in front of your body and do five sets of 10 reps with a brief rest between each.

Arms: Dips are a strength-training exercise for your triceps that can be done on your coffee table or even a chair. Sit up straight with hands resting on each side of your hips. Straighten your legs and use your arms to slowly lower your body. At least three times a week, perform three sets of 12 dips with a brief rest between each set.

Abs: Planks are a versatile and effective way to work your core. Begin in a push-up position and slowly lower onto your forearms, keeping your back and legs straight. Flex your abdominals and your glutes and hold for four sets of 30 seconds. As this exercise becomes more comfortable, increase your sets to one minute each.

Glutes: Lunges are a great exercise for firming up those glutes. Stand straight with your legs shoulder-width apart and your hands on your hips. Step forward with your right leg and bend both knees at the same time, trying to form a 90-degree angle with each. Be sure that your right knee does not go over your toe line. Alternate legs, and count one rep as two lunges -- one on each leg. Repeat for three sets of 10 reps. 

The Handbag Switch Up

Since switching handbags is an inevitable part of every season (or month!), it is easy to leave behind contents that may be hidden in a forgotten pocket or in the depths of your current bag. Follow these helpful tips to avoid forgetting any essential belongings:

Switch the night before: If possible, make the switch the night before to ensure that you have plenty of time to move all of the contents you will need into the new bag.

Clear everything out at once: Take everything out of your first bag and go through it to decide which items you’ll need in the new one and which items you won’t. This will also help prevent clutter in the new bag.

Make a checklist of must-haves: Keep a checklist hanging somewhere convenient so that you can mentally check off the items you need when you’re leaving the house.

Use the small pockets: Keep the essentials -- keys, wallet, ID cards -- in the small pockets of your bags so when you have to make a quick switch, you can just be sure to transfer the contents from one small pocket to another. 

De-Stress in 10 minutes or Less

Don’t have time for a day at the spa? Unwind with one of our 10 relaxing ideas:

1. Call a Friend: A quick phone call to a friend can be just the distraction you need to relax. The trick is to wisely choose which friend you want to speak with.

2. Sweet scents: Aromatherapy can help calm, energize and revitalize. Sweet scents like lavender and peppermint can help soothe the mind and also improve focus.

3. Meditate: Close your eyes and think about something that makes you happy -- a place, a person, an idea. This distraction will leave you feeling calm and inspired.

4. Stretch: Stretching feels good! Loosen up and touch your toes, or try some arm stretches if you’re in the office.

5. Music: Put your headphones on and shut the world out for a minute while listening to one of your favorite tunes.

6. Close your eyes: Don’t have time for a nap? Don’t worry. Just closing your eyes briefly will make an enormous difference during a stressful time.

7. Take a walk: Get your blood flowing a little bit and go for a walk. Pick up the pace if you want to boost those endorphins!

8. Get outside: Fresh air will do wonders for your mood and calm any anxious thoughts you may be having.

9. Clean up: Even the simple act of straightening up can leave you feeling refreshed, renewed and ready to tackle bigger tasks.

10. Hand massage: Hands carry a lot of tension, so something as simple as massaging the pressure point under your thumb will relieve stress in the shoulders, neck and scalp.